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Our review service offers consumers the opportunity to rate and review their genuine, direct, experiences with the businesses they use. Here are some guidelines for the consumer reviewing a business:

  • A consumer can only review a business with whom they have had a direct, first hand, experience. Not based on what they heard from friends or relatives.
  • As a minimum, consumers need to provide a rating (1-5 stars) of a business
  • Title should refect the summary of what a consumer writes in review section
  • Review may include images that is relevant to your review and the business you are reviewing
  • Anything posted should be a reviewer’s own, unique work.
  • Genuine negative feedback is fine, but constructive criticism is much more useful to the business and potential customers than an angry rant.
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  • Reviews can be provided with registration in the system or as a guest. Registered users will be rewarded 20 reputation points as a reward for the contribution to the community.

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  • Please make sure your contributions are appropriate to the business you are reviewing and addressschool.com platform.
  • A consumer can only review a business to the extent of their direct experience
  • You may not write a review about a business: That is a competitor to a business that you or any family member have any financial interest in or you are employed by or otherwise work for or In exchange for payment.
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  • All reviewers should be aware that the content they submit becomes visible to anyone who visits the AddressSchool.com website, so they need to check what they’re posting meets our Privacy Policy
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Recent Reviews

Date: 11/21/2023 4:05:06 PM


Mi siento obligado a compartir mi experiencia laboral en KANTAR de Calle de Ríos Rosas, Madrid y, lamentablemente, debo decir que ha sido una experiencia verdaderamente negativa. Lo más impactante de todo fue el pésimo comportamiento de la persona sénior, Doña Arriaga S. que en teoría debería haber sido una guía, pero resultó ser todo lo contrario: un tirano.

Constantemente enviaba mensajes privados para presionar y humillar, haciéndote creer que estabas haciendo un mal trabajo, cuando en realidad era ella quien no sabía organizar ni siquiera una formación para nuevos empleados. Los equipos informáticos eran antiguos y sucios, se apagaban sin previo aviso, y luego te culpaban de estar desconectado por más de 10 minutos, acusándote de no estar siendo productivo.

A pesar de su actitud, la empresa parece vivir en una ilusión, creyéndose una multinacional importante cuando en realidad es el último vagón de un tren sin rumbo.
Es triste ver cómo una experiencia laboral puede ser empañada por una gestión tan deficiente. Espero que mi experiencia sirva para que la empresa reflexione sobre cómo trata a sus empleados y busque mejorar en el futuro.