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Recent Reviews

Reviews provided by our communnity members to buesinesses.

Jesse Defelice reviewed
(5) to
Custom-Friendly Communication Services

As a bakery owner, I was in search of custom bakery boxes for bakery product packaging and I found YBY Boxes Australia. Eric was very friendly and solved my queries politely. Will definitely order again in the future.

Tyron Brown reviewed
(5) to
Great Choice for Custom Printed Packaging

I recently ordered custom boxes from YBY Boxes Australia for my new candle business, and I was very impressed with the entire experience. From the design process to the final product, everything went smoothly.

Georgi reviewed
(5) to
Best engraving services

Lazernogravirane.bg offering precision craftsmanship across a diverse range of materials. Their commitment to quality and exceptional customer service sets them apart as leaders in the field. With a blend of innovation and attention to detail, they transform ordinary objects into personalized masterpieces, making them a top choice for all engraving needs

Spencer Michel reviewed
(5) to
Quick Turnaround Time

I ordered 1000 custom mascara boxes and received my order earlier than expected. I couldn't resist admiring the excellence and creativity that they put into my boxes. Frank did a great job. From design or colors to shapes and dimensions, everything was compelling.

Anthony Cane reviewed
(5) to
Beyond Expectations, A Flawless Packaging Hub

Recently I made my first order of custom rigid boxes from YBY Boxes Australia. And I must say that this company exceeded my expectations. I was surprised by the attention to detail and durability of the boxes. Frank committed to quick delivery and he did it. Highly recommended!

Mariam Ingham reviewed
(5) to
Excellent Customers Service

Great customer service from start to finish Frank did a fantastic job. I look forward to working with YBY Boxes Australia in the future with all of my packaging needs.